6 Things To Look For In Commercial Dog Food

Feed your Doberman a commercial dog food brand that meets ALL SIX of these requirements:
  1. All the ingredients have PASSED USDA INSPECTION. Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.
  2. The FIRST TWO INGREDIENTS are pure meat. Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.
  3. Contains NO corn or soybeans, which are difficult for dogs to digest and cause skin allergies in many dogs. Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.
  4. Contains NO "by-products" or "animal digest" whatsoever. Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.
  5. Contains NO artificial preservatives (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin). Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.
  6. Contains NO "fillers" that don't sound like real food you would eat yourself. (Examples include bizarre ingredients like beet pulp, rice flour, and brewer's rice.) Most dog food brands will fail this requirement and should not be fed.

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