Hello everyone!
Talim and I just finished a training session, starting off by burning a little energy by throwing the tennis ball around in the back yard for a few minutes. Remind me to pick up some Wet Ones next shopping trip! She normally doesn't get the ball too wet, but I snuck her a few treats before going out.
We started training by swapping the ball out for a treat; I hid the ball in my jacket pocket and pulled out a treat. Talim knows the basic commands already, but I like to run through all of them every know and again to keep it fresh in both of our minds.
When I give her a command, I hold the treat in one hand, and in the other I'll also do a hand gesture when I give the command. I'll put my hand flat down for Down, or flat and up (like a crossing guard doing "stop") for Stay, and so forth. Its great to give commands or even practice training when you have to be quiet for any reason.
We finished up by playing fetch a couple rounds, and came back inside for some delicious water! Remember to keep your Doberman refreshed and hydrated after any outdoor activity.