Talim the Doberman: Beach Trip!

Today my girlfriend and I took Talim, our Doberman,  to the beautiful Florida treasure coast beach. Naturally we had to make sure we had everything on the checklist, we spend almost as much time preparing than we do at the beach! Luckily, I was only in charge of towels and Talim!

Talim was wonderful, as always, in the car. She laid with her head on the beach ball, I wish I could have taken a picture! It is just a quick 30 minute drive to the beach, and another 10 minutes to stop and pick up snacks and soda!

Talim is just starting to get used to the beach water. She does fine at bath time but I believe the roar of the ocean frightens her. Even so, today after getting our beach towels and umbrella set up, Talim and I made her timid approach to the constant onslaught of waves. The first large one that crashed to reach to our ankles, she almost backed out, but I knew Talim had it in her. After that little dance in and out, she finally made the plunge in after me!

A bag of chips and a few frisbee tosses later, we're on our way home with another set of smiling faces. I'll have to add a camera to the checklist for our next beach adventure!


Donna Becker said...

We have a small cottage on a lake in Wisconsin, and I was curious how our first DoberBoy, Chino, would react to the expanse of water.
He stood stock still and looked at the water for the longest time. Then jumped in! He looked around at me as if to say, "Well, that's that. What's next?"

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Donna! What a brave Dober. I had to coerce my Dobe, Xephyr, to jump in by throwing treats into the water! Hahaha, now he wants a treat every time he gets wet!